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  1. The biblical patriarch Isaac (Arabic: إِسْحَاق or إِسْحٰق ʾIsḥāq) is recognized as a prophet of God by Muslims. As in Judaism and Christianity, Islam maintains that Isaac was the son of the patriarch and prophet Abraham from his wife Sarah.

  2. Muslims respect and honor Prophet Isaac, as they do all the Prophets of God. They believe that both Isaac and his older half-brother Ishmael continued their father’s legacy by preaching the message of One God. The Quran mentions Isaac more than 10 times but does not give details of his life.

  3. Isaac es considerado un profeta de Dios en las tres religiones abrahámicas. Los musulmanes respetan y honran al Profeta Isaac, como lo hacen con todos los Profetas de Dios. Creen que tanto Isaac como su medio hermano mayor, Ismael, continuaron el legado de su padre al predicar el mensaje de Un Dios.

  4. In Islam, Jesus (Isa) is not considered the son of God, as he is in Christian belief. The Qur'an says Jesus was made like Adam in the sense of a miracle birth and shared attributes. However, Christians do recognize Adam (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) as the first man.

  5. Qur'an verses about Prophet Isaac. In this article, we've gathered the Qur'anic verses on Prophet Isaac (Prophet Isḥāq as). The methodology was to compile all the Qur'an verses that shared the English word's Arabic triliteral root. For example, raḥmatan translates to mercy.

  6. God mentions Isaac in the Quran 17 times and names him as a righteous prophet who obeyed and worshipped God and whom all Muslims must believe in. Isaac was the second son of Ibrahim and the father of Jacob and the grandfather of the Children of Israel or the Israelites.

  7. Isaac en el islam. El patriarca bíblico Isaac (árabe: إِسْحَاق o إِسْحٰق ʾIsḥāq) es reconocido como profeta y mensajero de Dios por los musulmanes. Al igual que en el judaísmo y el cristianismo, el Islam sostiene que Isaac era hijo del patriarca y profeta Abraham de su esposa Sara.