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  1. Petersschule, Basilea, 1926. Hannes Meyer Jakob Wittwer. 30/06/2001. Este proyecto de concurso para una escuela femenina de once aulas, en la parte antigua de Basilea y cerca de la iglesia de San Pedro, figura como icono de la modernidad y es conocida sobre todo a través una perspectiva cuya autoría se atribuyó a Paul Klee.

  2. martes, 7 de julio de 2020. Peterscchule (Escuela de San Pedro) En 1925 la ciudad de Basilea convoca un concurso para construir una escuela en la parte más antigua de la ciudad, en el espacio contiguo a la fachada sur de la Peterskirche ( Iglesia de San Pedro).

  3. Petersschule, Basilea, 1926. Hannes Meyer Jakob Wittwer. 30/06/2001. This competition design for eleven class girls ‘school in the old centre of Basel close by St. Peter’s Church is one of the icons of Modern Architecture, most importantly through the legendary perspective drawing (drawn by Paul Klee, the story has it).

  4. Media. Contact. Soundcloud. Website of Peter Scholes composer conductor and clarinetist.

  5. «Петершуле» - это школа, которая видит миссию в создании нового поколения высокообразованных, компетентных, всесторонне развитых и демократически мыслящих молодых людей, будущих профессионалов в различных сферах деятельности в новой России. Присоединиться к нам. Журнал. Дневник. Портфолио. Вопросы и ответы.

  6. Project Description. Meyer’s Petersschule stands between avant-gardism and ‘altogether different instruments of social-perceptual change’ at a time when the idealization of function and technology was shaping different forms of social reorganization. It subverts references to a range of Modernist work from Le Corbusier’s Maison Citrohan ...

  7. [Translate to English:] Text. Hannes Meyer and Hans Wittwer’s entry in the architecture competition for the Petersschule building in the old town of Basel was rejected in 1926 in the first round. However, its radical character, which embraced every element of New Objectivity, made it the most important of all the designs submitted. Literature: