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  1. กิจกรรมแลกเปลี่ยนภาษาและวัฒนธรรมจิตรลดา-เหมียนหยางเซียนเฟิงลู่สิรินธร เริ่มตั้งแต่ปี 2554 โดยโรงเรียนจิตรลดาและโรงเรียน ...

  2. The Chitralada School ( Thai: Thai: โรงเรียนจิตรลดา; RTGS : Rongrian Chitralada) is a school established by King Bhumibol Adulyadej on the grounds of Chitralada Palace in Bangkok, Thailand. [1] Considered to be the most exclusive school in Thailand, the school was initially established for the children of the Thai royal family and palace staff.

  3. Chitralada Vocational School, which operates under the auspices of Chitralada Technology Institute, provides vocational and high vocational certificate levels in a variety of study programs such as agriculture, business administration, entertainment, and music industry, home economics, industry, and information and communication technology.

  4. Chitralada Technology Institute is an educational institute with the concept from the royal initiative. “ Study and Work – Work and Study ” to foster professional skills, self-discipline, and ethics in each individual. CDTI offers three levels of education, including vocational certificates, diplomas or high vocational certificates,

  5. โรงเรียนจิตรลดา ( อังกฤษ: Chitralada School) เป็นโรงเรียนที่ พระบาทสมเด็จพระบรมชนกาธิเบศร มหาภูมิพลอดุลยเดชมหาราช บรมนาถบพิตร ทรงพระกรุณาโปรดเกล้าโปรดกระหม่อมให้จัดตั้งขึ้นในบริเวณ พระตำหนักจิตรลดารโหฐาน สวนจิตรลดา พระราชวังดุสิต [1]

  6. Later, His Majesty the King considerately had a permanent school building constructed in the area of Chitralada Royal Villa, Dusit Palace, and named “Chitralada School.”. Thereafter, the school had expanded and provided education in all levels from kindergarten to secondary.

  7. Chitralada Royal Villa has a Chitralada railway station which served for the royal family who lived in the villa. Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti was a pupil in the Chitralada School, the school is considered the most exclusive in Thailand. Queen Mother Sirikit resides in this palace.