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  1. Geoffrey Jones is the Isidor Straus Professor of Business History, and Faculty Chair of the School's Business History Initiative. He holds degrees of BA, MA and PhD from Cambridge University, UK.

  2. Geoffrey Jones (27 de noviembre de 1931 - 21 de junio de 2005) es un documentalista británico, director de cine y editor, destacado por su contribución al género de las películas industriales, y particularmente a las películas de los Transportes Británicos (British Transport).

  3. Geoffrey G. Jones is a British-born business historian. He became a US citizen in 2010. He is currently Isidor Straus Professor of Business History at the Harvard Business School.

  4. Geoffrey Jones & Co. is the largest franchise dealers of GE Appliances in The Bahamas. Find featured products, prices, and service department for your home or business appliances.

  5. Tras la exposición de la historia de las principales empresas de la belleza y la higiene en cada capítulo y momento histórico, Geoffrey Jones presenta análisis lúcidos e interpretaciones brillantes.

  6. Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School, General Management Department, Faculty Member. Studies Business History, History, and Environmental Sustainability. Geoffrey Jones is the Isidor Straus Professor of Business History, and Faculty Chair of the

  7. Geoffrey Jones is a professor of business history and a fellow of the Academy of International Business. He has written several books, including Deeply Responsible Business, a global history of values-driven leadership.