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  1. La Monte Thornton Young ( Berna, Idaho, 14 de octubre de 1935) es un compositor y músico estadounidense, generalmente reconocido como el primer compositor minimalista. 1 Sus obras han sido incluidas entre las obras más importantes y radicales después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, calificadas como avant-garde, música experimental o música drone.

  2. For his Disciples, La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela, this was also the most cherished goal. The extreme care and loving attention given to the making of this masterpiece of Tambura Artistry make it a singularly rare contribution that far outshines any other attempts to capture this instrument in recorded media.

  3. Young's music doesn't particularly lend itself to vinyl -- it's more suited to the low noise-floor and crystalline clarity of digital carriers -- but this pressing is quiet and well-centered, delivering the music without a lot of noise or wobble.

  4. La Monte Youngs greatest masterpiece The Well-Tuned Piano Third DVD Edition with a 52-page booklet, which includes Young, Marian Zazeela and Jung Hee Choi's essays.

  5. Young y Zazeela ayudaron a traer al renombrado maestro vocalista Pandit Pran Nath a los Estados Unidos en 1970 y se convirtieron en sus primeros discípulos occidentales, estudiando con él durante 26 años la manera tradicional de vivir y servir al gurukula.

  6. With Marian Zazeela in the early ’60s, Young formulated the concept of a Dream House, a permanent space with sound and light environments in which a work would be played continuously.

  7. The immersive sound-and-light environment created by La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela illustrated the prominence of symmetry within both artist’s practice, as well as their dedication to developing deeply meditative sound-and-light installations.