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  1. Queen's College, the oldest Government secondary school in Hong Kong, has a glorious history of almost 160 years. Founded in 1862 by the British Colonial Government as an Anglo-Chinese Secondary School, its primary purpose has not changed throughout history: to educate brilliant boys for Hong Kong and China and to strengthen the country's youth.

  2. Queen's College (Chinese: 皇仁書院; pinyin: Huáng rén shūyuàn) is the first public secondary school founded in Hong Kong by the British colonial government.

  3. Queen's College, the oldest Government secondary school in Hong Kong, has a glorious history of almost 160 years. Founded in 1862 by the British Colonial Government as an Anglo-Chinese Secondary School, its primary purpose has not changed throughout history: to educate brilliant boys for Hong Kong and China and to strengthen the country's youth.

  4. Queen's College, the oldest Government secondary school in Hong Kong, has a glorious history of almost 160 years. Founded in 1862 by the British Colonial Government as an Anglo-Chinese Secondary School, its primary purpose has not changed throughout history: to educate brilliant boys for Hong Kong and China and to strengthen the country's youth.

  5. Through collecting, research & education projects, QC History Museum aims to preserve memories of students and teachers, promote further public interest in QC history as well as contributing to academic research on history of education in Hong Kong. 透過收藏歷史文物及各研究和教育項目,皇仁書院校史館旨在保存師生 ...

  6. Queen's College is the first public secondary school founded in Hong Kong by the British colonial government. It was initially named The Government Central School in 1862 and later renamed Victoria College in 1890, and finally obtained the present name of Queen's College in 1894.

  7. 搜尋關鍵字Queens College. 學校位置 :灣仔區 › 香港銅鑼灣高士威道120號。 學校地圖 。 學校類別. 官立、男校;位於灣仔區. 香港有 31 間官立中學,佔整體約 7%;香港有 29 間男子中學,佔整體約 6%;了解更多: 中學分佈圖表 。 全港中學分佈詳述 。 創校歷史. 1862 年創立,辦學團體:香港特區政府. 校訓:勤有功 Labor Omnia Vincit。 學校校徽 。 教學情況. 教學人員總數 55 人;中一有 4 班。 其中 52 人是核准編制內。 中一至中六的班數分別是: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4。 (註:以下班級結構是指可開班數目。 有些學校會將原本班數增加,但學生人數不變。