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  1. Learn how to use the swiperight event to detect and respond to horizontal swipes in the right direction. See the event description, parameters, and a simple example code with a demo.

  2. Description: Triggered when a swipe event occurs moving in the right direction. jQuery ( ".selector" ).on ( "swiperight", function ( event ) { ... } ) Triggered when a horizontal drag of 30px or more (and less than 30px vertically) occurs within 1 second duration in the right direction.

  3. 1 de feb. de 2014 · A element doesn't have a swipeleft or swiperight event handler. What you need to use touchstart and touchend. So for touch here are all the event handlers: touchstart. touchmove. touchend. touchenter. touchleave. touchcancel.

  4. Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) is a writer, speaker, and host of the podcast Let's Know Things. He tweets about culture, politics, philosophy, and more. Follow him for insightful and provocative perspectives on current issues.

  5. › jquerymobile › tryitW3Schools Tryit Editor

    The W3Schools online code editor allows you to edit code and view the result in your browser

  6. 4 de ago. de 2017 · Try like this 100% working: Define swiperight and swipeleft or using this: $(document).on('swipeleft', 'body', function(event){ }); $(document).on('swiperight', 'body', function(event){ }); Example: $(document).on('swipeleft', 'body', function(event){. alert("swipeleft");

  7. › jquerymobile › event_swiperightjQuery swiperight Event

    The swiperight event is triggered when the user press down and swipes over an element in the right direction (by more than 30px horizontally and less than 75px vertically).