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  1. Respuesta rápida. El second conditional ( el condicional con would) se usa para hablar de situaciones hipotéticas. Por ejemplo, If I had wings, I would fly. ( Si tuviera alas, volaría.) Hablando de cláusulas. La formulación de the second conditional en inglés involucra dos cláusulas.

  2. If implies a conditional clause: if I could change the world; if I could have a moment of your time. A conditional indeed strongly implies that a prediction is about to follow: I would make the day longer ; I would like to propose a toast .

  3. In speaking, we often use if-clauses without main clauses, especially when asking people politely to do things. If is usually followed by will, would, can or could when it is used to be polite: [Shop assistant to customer] If you would just sign here, please. (a more polite way of saying Just sign here, please.)

  4. Could expresses possibility, while would expresses certainty and intent. A good way to remember the differences between these two words is simply to bring each word back to its root verb. Could is the past tense of can. Would is the past tense of will.

  5. How to form the second conditional: CONDITION: if + subject + past simple. RESULT: subject + would/might/could + verb. With would, it’s common to use the contractions: I’d, you’d, he’d, she’d, we’d, they’d.

  6. Perfect English Grammar. The second conditional uses the past simple after if, then 'would' and the infinitive: if + past simple, ...would + infinitive. (We can use 'were' instead of 'was' with 'I' and 'he/she/it'. This is mostly done in formal writing). It has two uses.

  7. 1. Form. 2. Examples (if-clause at the beginning) Mind the comma after the if clause. 3. Examples (if-clause at the end) 4. Examples (affirmative and negative sentences) * We can substitute could or might for would ( should, may or must are sometimes possible, too). I would pass the exam. I could pass the exam. I might pass the exam.