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  1. Hace 2 días · Flash the sloth is iconic 🦥When Judy Hopps, a rookie officer in the Zootopia Police Department, sniffs out a sinister plot, she enlists the help of a con ar...

  2. Hace 2 días · 劇情. 哈茱蒂Judy Hopps是一隻來自農村兔窩鎮Bunnyburrow 穴兔 ,她在九歲時的一次 舞臺劇 表演上立志要成為一名 警察 —— 一個較適合肉食動物的工作,其父母則希望她和其他兔子一同在家鄉種 蘿蔔 。 當茱蒂成年後,她進入方城市警官學校學習,最終榮譽畢業並成為方城市警察局史上第一位兔子警官。 但沒想到,茱蒂離開兔窩鎮來到方城市後,報到的第一天卻被蠻牛局長(Chief Bogo)指派擔任不受重視的交通警員,更被拿罰單的民眾表示反感;而在當天上午,茱蒂在一間冰淇淋店結識了一隻 赤狐 騙子胡尼克(Nick Wilde)和他的同夥飛仔(Finnick),由於童年時自己與朋友們曾被狐狸-惡霸吉登(Gideon)-欺負過而格外提防,被尼克唬弄後更是發現其騙錢生意卻無從阻止。

  3. Hace 10 horas · From inflatable pool floaties to strategically positioned hammocks, these folks are serious about their pursuit of absolute lethargy. And let me tell you, the level of dedication is truly awe-inspiring. We’re talking about people who have honed their skill of doing nothing to a degree that would make even ‘Flash’ (from Zootopia) proud.

  4. Hace 4 días · 《動物方城市》(英語: Zootopia ,新加坡譯《動物城市》,中國大陸譯《瘋狂動物城》,香港譯《優獸大都會》) 是一部於2016年上映的美國 3D 電腦動畫 動作 喜劇 冒險電影,由華特迪士尼動畫工作室製作,並由華特迪士尼影業負責發行 ,也是第55部 ...

  5. Hace 5 días · Zootopia, the 2016 animated film from Walt Disney Animation Studios, took the world by storm with its delightful blend of humor, heart, and a relevant social message. Set in a bustling city inhabited by anthropomorphic animals, the movie tells the story of Judy Hopps, a determined bunny who aspires to become the first rabbit police ...

  6. Hace 2 días · In the world of 'Zootopia', predators and prey live together in harmony - but someone is kidnapping predators and turning them savage. It's up to rookie police officer Judy Hopps and conman Nick Wilde to find out what's going on.

  7. Hace 2 días · Freeze dried strawberries. Today I am jet lagged and have had the joy of my brain freezing in conversation multiple times. It feels like I’m having an out of body experience where I no longer compute any language at all. Then I wonder if it is truly frozen, or just moving the speed of Flash Flash Hundred Yard Dash’s brain as he sits and ...

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