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  1. Hace 1 día · Giving thanks for our daily bread, or meals, models Jesus’ example. When He ate with two disciples after His resurrection, Christ “took bread, gave thanks, [and] broke it” ( Luke 24:30 ). He thanked His Father as He had earlier when He’d fed the five thousand with five “loaves and two small fish” ( John 6:9 ).

  2. Hace 22 horas · Gratitude is not conditional. Paul instructs us to give thanks in all circumstances because it aligns with God’s will for us. This gratitude is a reflection of our trust in God's sovereignty and goodness, even when life is challenging. Develop a habit of thanking God throughout the day, not just in good times but also in difficult moments.

  3. Hace 22 horas · Thankfulness to God. [51 words] I often wonder how God feels at His creation’s ingratitude. How many have felt God’s sunshine, breathed God’s air, been blessed with God’s rain, and yet never stopped to think of—or thank—the Creator of all such? We should be always thankful, always grateful, always appreciative, to our great God.

  4. Hace 3 días · Gratitude humbles our hearts before God and allows us to worship Him as God. Repentance for our sin of anger and impatience and being thankful for Jesus’ sacrifice that grants us forgiveness and mercy from God is where we start.

  5. Hace 22 horas · Keep your thoughts and words in agreement with God’s Word. Say, “Everything I lay my hand to prospers and succeeds. I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. I am blessed going in and going out. The blessings of God chase me down and overtake me. God is on my side. I am blessed to be a blessing to everyone I meet today.”.

  6. Hace 5 días · First, thanksgiving. Indeed, the word “Eucharist” means “thanks”: “giving thanks” to God for his gifts. Thus, the sign of bread is important, for it is the food of daily life, and with it we bring to the altar all that we are and all that we have: our lives, work, successes, and failures too.

  7. Hace 5 días · Here you'll find fresh, relevant, and honest articles that makes Today's Christian Woman a mentor to thousands of women. Prefer the Given. Learning to look at our (crazy, busy, stressful, less-than-satisfying) lives with grateful eyes. Caryn Rivadeneira. Unearthing Joy.