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  1. Hace 4 días · Este es el primer libro de la trilogía. Galadriel “El” es alumna en la Escolomancia, una escuela creada mágicamente para aquellos jóvenes que poseen aptitudes para la magia, ya sea que pertenezcan a un Enclave o que sean independientes. El asunto es que ahí dentro todos los alumnos están en constante peligro porque la escuela […]

  2. Hace 1 día · Un año más, la biblioteca celebra su ciclo de cuento terapia en la biblioteca del centro, reuniendo a profesores y alumnos alrededor del fuego. Alumnos de 1º-4º ESO se dan cita semanalmente en la biblioteca para escuchar cuentos que tratan sobre diversos temas, tales como: autoestima, rechazo, aceptación, amor, fracaso...

  3. Hace 2 días · Find all episode show notes on The LitJoy Podcast homepage! Thank you for joining us for this special interview! We've loved collaborating with Brandon Mull on the first two Fablehaven books, and we can't wait for you all to see the magic we have in store for the rest of the series. Come back next week when Alix and Kelly will return to their ...

  4. Hace 2 días · Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections by Eva Jurczyk. The Complete Novels of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer. Note: Some of these are many, many years old, but I still have hope! Which books are on your list. Have you read any of these?

  5. Hace 3 días · Questi mezzi demoni comprendono licantropi, vampiri e fate. Nello specifico, il romanzo parla di una quindicenne, Clary, che scopre il Mondo Invisibile, assistendo all’uccisione di un demone da parte di tre giovani Shadowhunters: Jace, Alec e Isabelle.

  6. Hace 1 día · Just as she looks on paper, Sadie Wen is perfect. She’s a school co-captain at Woodvale Academy, is on her way to becoming class valedictorian and is a model student and daughter, tirelessly helping her mom at her bakery.

  7. Hace 14 horas · Di libri fantasy con vampiri ce ne sono a tonnellate, fra urban fantasy e, soprattutto, paranormal romance c’è solo l’imbarazzo della scelta.. Libri fantasy con vampiri, a partire dai classici. Se parliamo di vampiri come protagonisti, abbiamo quelli di Anne Rice da Lestat in poi – vampiri veri e originali, con tutta una cosmogonia alle spalle.