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  1. Hace 5 días · El nombre de “genética” le fue otorgado a la ciencia de la herencia en el año 1906 por el biólogo inglés William Bateson, mientras que en 1909 otro biólogo, el danés Wilhelm Johannsen, propuso...

  2. Hace 4 días · 1905 El biólogo británico William Bateson acuña el término "Genetics" en una carta a Adam Sedgwick 1910 Thomas Hunt Morgan demuestra que los genes residen en los cromosomas 1913 Alfred Sturtevant crea el primer mapa genético de un cromosoma

  3. Hace 2 días · During the early years of the 20th century much of the pioneer work of William Bateson, C. C. Hurst, and E. R. Saunders on plant genetics was carried out at the Garden, and it was later used for researches on plant physiology by F. F. Blackman and G. E. Briggs, and on plant pathology by F. T. Brooks and others.

  4. Hace 4 días · William Bateson was the first English-speaking scientist to recognize the significance of Mendel's work. In the present work, Bateson offers a book-length presentation of Mendel's approach to genetic research, including the first English translation of both Mendel's work on peas and his later work on Hieracium.

  5. Hace 2 días · This is best exemplified by William Blake who famously sang his "Ode to Possibilities," "To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower . . . " Gregory Bateson, ...

  6. Hace 1 día · William Bateson, the lessee of Westminster Abbey's manor, was also a royalist whose property was sequestered in 1647. He complained that he had suffered great loss during the Civil War when the parliamentary army and the king's army had in turn been quartered at Bourton.

  7. › economie › peut-on-augmenter-le-champ-de-la-conscience-Peut-on augmenter le champ de la conscience

    Hace 3 días · Par exemple, le concept de « gène » a été forgé par le botaniste anglais William Bateson, au XIXe siècle. Il donne ainsi un nom à la découverte de Mendel sur les causes de la transmission héréditaire de caractères physiques.

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