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  1. However, scientists have not directly measured the age of the footwear. 150,000-year-old shoe prints? While these examples are the oldest known footwear, there may be evidence that humans invented ...

  2. Wikimedia Commons. Durante la Edad Media el baño atrajo la atención de escritores, médicos y gente de la Iglesia, bien para alabarlo, bien para condenarlo. En efecto, si los baños favorecían la higiene corporal, así como la prevención y el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades, también se relacionaban con la prostitución, la violencia y ...

  3. Your interests can and will change - that which interested you at the age of 22 might not be your calling at the age of 32. There are many different shades of counselor/ therapist ... don’t pussyfoot around the bad stuff - you can always “burn the journal” before anyone gets hold of your writing (this is my plan).

  4. PD (@cruising_along_in_life). 2 Likes. US needs to take lessons on what Bolivia did with the attempted coup on their democracy yesterday. They didn’t pussyfoot around.

  5. The Age of Enlightenment (also the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment) was the intellectual and philosophical movement that occurred in Europe in the 17th and the 18th centuries.

  6. I could spell females tomales but probably all this fucking around with neutering everything, all this using pussyfoot euphemisms and nothing-to-look-at-here spelling, just attracts the eye of Mordor. It sure makes me not understand what I just said.

  7. In 1999’s Romance, a young teacher whose boyfriend refuses to sleep with her goes on an epic, self-hating quest of sexual exploration and degradation. Fat Girl, from 2021, is about a homely 12 ...