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  1. Hace 2 días · Whereas Britain in Europe was a well-endowed and highly professional organisation chaired by Labour’s home secretary Roy Jenkins and supported by a strong cross-party coalition of political heavyweights like Ted Heath and Jeremy Thorpe, the ‘National Referendum Campaign’ by contrast seemed like an ad-hoc, amateurish, and ...

  2. Hace 3 días · That said, had Wilson been genuinely opposed to reform on these issues, he surely would not have appointed Roy Jenkins as Home Secretary in 1965. As Andrew Holden put it in a recent work, Wilson’s appointment of Jenkins implied a ‘willing acceptance of what was to come’, given that Jenkins’ views on social reform were well ...

  3. Hace 5 días · Roy Jenkins, who had been sympathetic to reform, was replaced at the crucial moment by Jim Callaghan at the Home Office. Whilst Jenkins the academic was in tune with permissiveness, Callaghan, a Baptist and trade unionist, was not.

  4. Hace 4 días · David Owen, Shirley Williams, Roy Jenkins, ---- ----- ? Answer: Bill Rodgers They were known as 'the gang of four' when they resigned from the UK Labour party to set up the Social Democratic Party in 1981.

  5. Hace 4 días · Roy Jenkins. Answer: United Kingdom. The United Kingdom's Roy Jenkins held the post of President of the European Commission from 1977 to 1981 and was another president who devoted a lot of time to the development of European economic policy.

  6. Hace 2 días · Callaghan immediately offered his resignation as chancellor, and increasing political opposition forced Wilson to accept it. Wilson then moved Roy Jenkins, the home secretary, to be chancellor; Callaghan became the new home secretary on 30 November 1967. Home secretary, 1967–1970

  7. Hace 2 días · si fue nacido en esta fecha: Su Corazón ha experimentado próximamente 12,692,766,163 latido del corazón desde su nacimiento.. Ha dromido por 38,119 días o 104.44 años!. Ha tenido casi 572,360 sueños.. Has tomado casi 2,637,434,880 soplo de aire.. Ha pasado casi 183.11 meses comiendo y bebiendo.. Ha comido casi 309.07 toneladas de comida.. Ha bebido casi 251,838 litros de agua.