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  1. Hace 3 días · Anton Yelchin (episodes 1–41) and Emile Hirsch (episodes 42–52) as James "Jim" Lake Jr. / Trollhunter, the first human Trollhunter and a reluctant hero dealing with the pressures of leading a double life.

  2. Hace 1 día · For those who remember Anton and his role in the Star Trek movies, he was pinned by his 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee in front of his own house on his driveway in...

  3. Hace 1 día · Desgraciadamente, el filme se vio salpicado por la muerte de dos actores relacionados con el proyecto. De una banda, Leonard Nimoy (el Spock original que apareció en el primer filme de la rejuvenecida saga) falleció antes del rodaje. Por otro lado, y un mes antes del estreno, Anton Yelchin (Pavel Chejov) perdió la vida en un trágico accidente.

  4. Hace 17 horas · Actor Anton Yelchin, known for his roles in “Star Trek” and “Like Crazy,” adds a cinematic chapter to the club’s story, reminding us that the 27 Club’s influence extends beyond music.

  5. Hace 6 días · Feature credits include the terrific 5 to 7, with Anton Yelchin; Destination Wedding, with Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder; and Then She Found Me, with his Mad About You star Helen Hunt.

  6. Hace 4 días · At a house party one night, Lily comes across drug dealer and convicted sex offender Tim (Anton Yelchin), and her and Amanda try to blackmail him into killing Mark, but the plan quickly falls apart.

  7. Hace 5 días · The beaming scene in particular was a highlight, providing some memorable dialogue and a great moment for Ensign Chekov (Anton Yelchin). Star Trek (2009) used both concepts to the plot’s advantage much more than Voyager. Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek: Voyager are both available to stream on Paramount+.

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