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  1. Rick was a trendsetter, a fancy dresser who liked wearing stylish fashionable clothes. By 1967 Rick began surfboard shaping at Lawrie Hohensee’s as a sought-after shaper while designing boards for himself and Paul. From 1967 – 72, Rick represented Qld in consecutive National titles.

  2. The camera pans dramatically over the landscape…

  3. 2024.05.31. クワイアボーイズ フランキー・ミラー. クワイアボーイズ、フランキー・ミラーをフィーチャーした「Raining Whiskey」MV公開. クワイアボーイズが、9月13日にリリースされる新アルバム『Wardour Street』から、セカンド・シングル「Raining Whiskey」のミュージック・ビデオを公開しました。 この曲は、スコットランドの伝説的シンガー/ソングライター、フランキー・ミラーが書いた曲で、MVにはミラーのアーカイヴ映像がフィーチャーされています。

  4. Senzo Afrika – Awuphiki ft Mlindo The Vocalist & Riky Rick. Senzo Afrika comes through with Awuphiki, a collaboration with Mlindo & Riky Rick Music... and lot more!

  5. The scene starts with a single singer standing among over 200 bagpipe players. The moments of silence slowly turn into his solo rendition of a gentle, baritone Amazing Grace. His voice is captivating as each verse is sung into the echoing arena.

  6. Mass Media. Source: The movie “Amazing Grace” is a powerful and inspiring biographical drama that captures the essence of the extraordinary life of William Wilberforce, a British politician and abolitionist.

  7. A music combo comprised of Priddy Ugly and Bontle Modiselle, Rick Jade has released a new tune named Sumtin New. The song is the second from their recently released EP, I Want Something New.