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  1. Hace 2 días · Welcome to our Flagship Store, the new heart of Shackleton in central London. You’ll find us just a few steps west of Piccadilly Circus and a stone’s throw south of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s original expedition HQ on Burlington Street.

  2. Hace 5 días · In a legendary feat of perseverance, Shackleton kept a crew of 27 men alive for twenty months in brutal Arctic conditions, after the loss of their ship in frigid pack ice. His initial mission – to be the first to traverse Antarctica from coast to coast – failed, leaving Shackleton and his men alone on the ice of the Weddell Sea.

  3. Hace 3 días · Un barco de la empresa de robótica marina Ocean Infinity había dejado caer al mar tres vehículos submarinos autónomos ... que se hundió durante una expedición de Ernest Shackleton en 1915.

  4. Hace 5 días · Impresionantes imágenes revelan misterios del barco perdido de Shackleton en las heladas aguas de la Antártida Este vídeo de la BBC nos muestra por primera vez imágenes del barco que se ...

  5. Hace 4 días · Ernest Shackleton, Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer who attempted to reach the South Pole. Best known for his 1914–16 expedition, in which his ship, Endurance, was crushed by pack ice, Shackleton and his crew endured months of hardship, including a harrowing voyage to South Georgia Island, before being rescued.

  6. Hace 5 días · Con solo una máquina de coser y S/600 en el bolsillo, Marina Bustamante construyó una de las empresas más exitosas del Perú, convirtiéndose en un ícono del emprendimiento.

  7. Hace 5 días · Ernest Shackleton foi um explorador anglo-irlandês que liderou a Expedição Imperial Transantártica, que se propôs a fazer a primeira travessia terrestre da Antártida. Mas a missão estava...