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  1. Hace 7 horas · Singapore Statutes Online is provided by the Legislation Division of the Singapore Attorney-General's Chambers

  2. › wiki › SurrealismSurrealism - Wikipedia

    Hace 7 horas · Surrealism is an art and cultural movement that developed in Europe in the aftermath of World War I in which artists aimed to allow the unconscious mind to express itself, often resulting in the depiction of illogical or dreamlike scenes and ideas. Its intention was, according to leader André Breton, to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute ...

  3. Hace 7 horas · 2000年,伦敦苏富比的搬运工人们在运输拍品时,错以为箱子里是空的便把箱子丢进了垃圾粉碎机,结果把卢西安·弗洛伊德(Lucian Freud)的一幅自画像绞成了碎片。 7.远离那团铁丝网 《自画像(浴盆)》

  4. Hace 7 horas · 浦东美术馆 摄影 阿琛开幕现场图浦东美术馆重磅大展“曾梵志:过往与此刻(绘画 1988-2023)”于2023年9月27日起正式向公众开放。这是浦东美术馆举办的第四场以单人艺术家为中心的大型展览,同时也是自开馆以来首个聚焦于当代油画作品的展览项目。

  5. Hace 1 día · Edvard Munch. Alfred Ekker Strande (young), Mattis Herman Nyquist (adult) Ola G. Furuseth (older), Anne Krigsvoll (elder) Stolen Baby: The Murder of Heidi Broussard. Magen Fieramusca. Emily Osment. Heidi Broussard. Anna Hopkins. Love & Death. Candy Montgomery.