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  1. Hace 20 horas · Puppet 8 has been released, with it comes security enhancements, the dropping of deprecated features, and performance improvements, you can read more about Puppet 8 on this blog post. In this blog post, well look at how you can take your existing Puppet 7 code and use Onceover , a free testing tool, to test it against Puppet 8 to prepare for your migration.

  2. Hace 5 días · Puppet Tutorial – Puppet Master and Slave Communication. Puppet Master and Slave communicates through a secure encrypted channel with the help of SSL. The diagram below depicts the same: As you can see from the above Image: Puppet Slave asks for Puppet Master certificate.

  3. Hace 2 días · Ayer comentaba que estaba poniéndome al día con las novedades de Canonical y Ubuntu, y pese a que llevan muchísimos años entre nosotros, y hemos adoptado algunas otras tecnologías como Ansible o Puppet, no dejan de ser una gran solución, cada día más madura, para el parcheo de los sistemas operativos Ubuntu que podamos tener en nuestra infraestructura desplegados.

  4. Hace 5 días · what is Puppet? Puppet is the most often used configuration management tools in DevOps and it is used in deploying, configuring and managing servers.

  5. Hace 4 días · Write secure Puppet tasks and validate their parameters to guard against remote code execution and keep your systems safe. Convert existing scripts into tasks so that you can reuse existing knowledge and scale it to meet new challenges.

  6. Hace 20 horas · Características de um Sock Puppet temporário Sock Puppets temporários são contas que têm uma vida útil curta e são descartadas após o uso, exigindo menos consideração durante sua criação. Um exemplo comum é quando se necessita de um endereço de e-mail para baixar um documento de um site relevante para a pesquisa, ou para registrar-se em um site e explorar seu conteúdo.

  7. Hace 20 horas · Since Kubernetes turns ten this year, I spent some time reflecting on how Kubernetes completely redefined my career. Eight years ago, I was racking servers, running Puppet (poorly), and struggling to make our service highly available using Corosync, Pacemaker, and HAProxy. Rotating certificates was a nightmare process every year and managing DNS zones manually with Bind9 was awful.

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