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  1. Hace 5 días · Automation testers commonly use Selenium, one of the best test automation frameworks, to create test scripts. In this blog, We will take you through the basics of setting up Selenium in the system and then explain how to write Selenium test scripts in Java.

  2. Hace 4 días · Comparativa entre Page Object Model y Screenplay Pattern. Separación de Responsabilidades: En POM, las clases de páginas contienen tanto la localización de elementos como los métodos para interactuar con ellos. En Screenplay, la localización de elementos se mantiene separada de las tareas que interactúan con esos elementos, siguiendo más ...

  3. Hace 5 días · Updated May 31, 2024. In the last few tutorials, we shed light on the basic and commonly used WebDriver commands. We also learned about the locating strategies of UI elements and their inclusion in the test scripts. Therefore, we developed our very first WebDriver Automation Test Script.

  4. Hace 2 días · The Selenium Advantage: A Winning Combination for Production Testing. Selenium’s unique blend of features – efficiency, accuracy, continuous monitoring, scalability, and cost-effectiveness – positions it as a game-changer for production testing. By incorporating Selenium into your production testing toolkit, you can achieve:

  5. Hace 5 días · UI automation testing is a vital component for ensuring the quality and reliability of connected health apps. By leveraging tools like Selenium, Playwright, and Appium, developers and testers can automate repetitive tasks and detect bugs early in the development process. Making sure health apps work well is important for keeping users safe and ...

  6. Hace 4 días · As a result, software developers working with automated testing frameworks like Selenium must adjust their strategies to effectively interact with these elements. Handling dynamic web elements in Selenium tests can be challenging, but with the right techniques, you can create robust and reliable tests. Understanding Dynamic Web Elements

  7. Hace 3 días · Follow the below steps for writing data-driven tests using the Gecko driver in Selenium 3.0. Understand the use case for writing data-driven tests. We’ll write data-driven tests to simulate flight booking using a demo website. Here is the complete use case, which we’ll automate using Selenium 3.0. Open the demo website to book the flight tickets.