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  1. › wiki › RodentRodent - Wikipedia

    The naked mole rat lives completely underground and can form colonies of up to 80 individuals. Only one female and up to three males in the colony reproduce, while the rest of the members are smaller and sterile, and function as workers.

  2. Molecular insights into the pathways underlying naked mole-rat eusociality. 26 May, 2024. Eskeatnaf Mulugeta, Lucile Marion-Poll, David Gentien, Stefanie B. Ganswindt, André Ganswindt, Nigel C. Bennett, Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Chris G. Faulkes, Edith Heard. DOI. 10.1101/209932.

  3. Naked mole rats do not have neurotransmitters on their skin, meaning they do not feel pain on the outside. While the average age of the naked mole rat sits at around 28 years, they have been known to live longer than even 37 years. Due to genetic characteristics, the naked mole rat is resistant to cancer.

  4. Las ratas topo desnudas son roedores arrugados famosos, nativos de los desiertos de África oriental. Viven en colonias subterráneas, encabezadas por una reina que hace toda la cría, al aparearse con unos pocos machos en un momento dado. La biología de los animales es francamente rara.

  5. 'Naked Atracttion', que podemos traducir como atracción al desnudo, se ha convertido en número uno de la plataforma con su particular propuesta para conocer gente.

  6. Save date: 2024-05-27 18:14:14.723000 View full size Save Save

  7. The naked mole rat has evolved to thrive in the harsh climate of sub-Saharan Africa by burrowing underground and living in darkness. How do they keep warm or cool down if they lack fur, an insulating layer of fat and sweat glands?

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    naked mole rat