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  1. Hace 4 días · Themes central to Bataille run through Mozart’s compositional handling of the opera. Zeiss (Citation 2001), demonstrates that the score is musically held together by the theme of permeability. Musical leitmotivs heard in the beginning of the play, return, merging past and present.

  2. Hace 5 días · Influenced by the Marquis de Sade, Nietzsche, Hegel, and Surrealism, Bataille's writings delve into themes of freedom, excess, transgression, death, the subversive image, community, inter-experience, violence, sovereignty, eroticism, and the general economy.

  3. Hace 5 días · This thesis seeks to understand the concepts of structure and writing of transgression in the work of Georges Bataille. Starting from the concept of transgression and its relationship with the interdict, we try to observe a structure in these two movements in the work of Georges Bataille.

  4. Hace 3 días · La poésie et la littérature, nous servant également d’apanage contre les dégoûts de la vie, sont le mécanisme par lequel nous nous appliquons à tourner l’angoisse en délice, pour reprendre le bibliothécaire, l’écrivain Georges Bataille.

  5. Hace 5 días · Museu Municipal de Tossa de Mar. Masson va arribar a Tossa l’any 1934 i s’hi va quedar durant dos anys, fins a l’esclat de la Guerra Civil. En aquest temps, sovint va estar acompanyat de Georges Bataille, escriptor i teòric del moviment surrealista.

  6. Hace 5 días · Throughout most of the year, Catholics sing or say the Alleluia before the Gospel is read during the Liturgy of the Word. However, this is not the case during Lent. In a way, the liturgy itself fasts in preparation for Easter Sunday. This practice reminds us of the nature of this penitential season.

  7. Hace 3 días · This paper attempts to point out what is the divergence in the thought of Taro Okamoto and Georges Bataille. In this paper, I mainly referred to the records of Bataille’s activities in the 1930s, and analyzed the ideas of negativity and subjectivity.