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  1. Hace 3 días · Martin Bormann, por ejemplo, fue juzgado en rebeldía porque ni siquiera a día de hoy es posible determinar dónde fue a parar. Tampoco estaba Wernher von Braun , que había sido acogido con los brazos abiertos por el gobierno de Estados Unidos, al que sus conocimientos sobre cohetes de cara a la carrera espacial le interesaban más que su papel durante la guerra.

  2. Hace 5 días · Bem-vindo a uma jornada pelas sombras do poder, onde segredos influenciam o curso da história. Hoje, vamos mergulhar na vida de Martin Bormann, a figura enig...

  3. › wiki › Nazi_PartyNazi Party - Wikipedia

    Hace 2 días · Following Hitler's suicide on 30 April 1945, Bormann would be named as Party Minister, which gave him the top position in the Nazi Party itself; unlike Hitler, however, Bormann would not have a leadership role over the government of Nazi Germany.

  4. Hace 2 días · 2.2.10 Martin Bormann. The case against Martin Bormann was tried in absentia. He was indicted on counts 1, 3 and 4. While today we know with certainty that Borman was already dead at that time, this particular fact had not been established at the time of the trial.

  5. Hace 4 días · Meanwhile, Göring had sent a telegram, a few hours earlier, asking Hitler for permission to assume leadership of the Reich in his capacity as Hitler's designated deputy—an act that Hitler, under the prodding of Martin Bormann, interpreted as a demand to step down or face a coup.

  6. Mark Felton has a video where he presents seemingly viable arguments that Martin Bormann escaped to Paraguay and his skeleton was planted in Germany to be discovered. I know at times his youtube videos are called into question, and it seems there is a lot of conjecture in that one around testimonies given. So, is it within reason to believe ...

  7. Hace 1 día · Martin Bormann: Hitler’s private secretary. Albert Speer: Minister of Armaments and War Production. Julius Streicher: Publisher of the anti-Semitic newspaper Der Stürmer. The Trials. The Nuremberg Trials were held in a courtroom inside the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg.

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