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  1. Hace 1 día · Kurt von Schleicher, a retired army general who for many years had worked politically behind the scenes to further the interests of Germany's military, maneuevered Papen out of office and was appointed chancellor by Hindenburg on 3 December.

  2. Hace 2 días · He met the Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg on 12 February 1938, threatening invasion if peaceful unification was not forthcoming. The Nazi Party was made legal in Austria to gain a power base, and a referendum on reunification was scheduled for March.

  3. Hace 1 día · Los nazis pierden apoyos, hace que Hitler se haga como canciller y utilizaron para su beneficio, el canciller Von Schelicher solicito poder de emergencias para evitar que los nazis estuvieran en el poder. 30 de Enero de 1933 Hindenburg cede el puesto, Hitler canciller, por un gobierno de coalición. Primeras medidas de los nazis en el poder.

  4. › wiki › Nazi_PartyNazi Party - Wikipedia

    Hace 2 días · Aside from Strasserist Nazis, they also murdered anti-Nazi conservative figures like former chancellor von Schleicher. After this, the SA continued to exist but lost much of its importance, while the role of the SS grew significantly.

  5. Hace 3 días · In early December, when Hindenburg decided to replace Papen, he again ignored Hitler, choosing instead a friend from the army, General Kurt von Schleicher. In the Nazi camp there was bitter frustration at the end of 1932.

  6. Hace 1 día · Die SS ermordete zwei Generäle der Reichswehr (Kurt von Schleicher und Ferdinand von Bredow) – das Offizierkorps nahm dies widerspruchslos zur Kenntnis. Am Todestag des Reichspräsidenten Paul von Hindenburg, dem 2. August 1934, ließ der Reichswehrminister Werner von Blomberg die Reichswehr auf Hitler vereidigen (siehe Führereid). Am 1.

  7. Hace 5 días · Kurt von Schleicher, another former chancellor and Hitler's predecessor had received the same warning but unfortunately dismissed it. He and his wife were assassinated on June 30, 1934. Gustav Ritter von Kahr had been instrumental in quashing the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 and was assassinated for 'treason'.