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  1. Hace 5 días · Valode despoja de idealismo el suicidio de los líderes nazis, reduciendo su gesto final a un mero acto de cobardía. En cuanto a los casos concretos, detalla las dudas que aún ocupan a los ...

  2. Hace 1 día · Göring, concerned that Diels was not ruthless enough to use the Gestapo effectively to counteract the power of the SA, handed over its control to Himmler on 20 April 1934. Also on that date, Hitler appointed Himmler chief of all German police outside Prussia.

  3. Hace 1 día · Röhm had powerful enemies inside the party, notably Göring and Heinrich Himmler, the Reichsführer of the SS, the party corps d’elite.

  4. Hace 1 día · He was one of the main architects of the Holocaust during the early war years, answering to and taking orders from only Hitler, Göring, and Himmler in all matters pertaining to the deportation, imprisonment, and extermination of Jews.

  5. Hace 5 días · The German town of Bad Arolsen is home to the world’s largest archive on the victims and survivors of the Nazi regime: despite belonging to UNESCO’s Memory of the World, it is still not well known. Our history timeline has further interesting information. More about us. Visit the Online Archive!

  6. Hace 4 días · On 31 July 1941, Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring wrote to Reinhard Heydrich (Himmler's deputy and chief of the RSHA), authorising him to make the "necessary preparations" for a "total solution of the Jewish question" and coordinate with all affected organizations.

  7. Hace 3 días · There’s no point wondering about the answers. There was nothing inevitable about much of it but what happened, happened. And events showed that even the shrewdest man in Germany in 1933 could make a mistake. Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler’s close confidant and ‘pianist’ who would defect to the US later, thought that Schleicher had ...