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  1. I’m excited to create a friendly and welcoming group for playing Rust. Our main rule is simple: no toxicity. We aim to make this group a safe and enjoyable space for all gamers. To ensure a positive experience, we will set up a Discord bot that monitors and logs voice chat, making our Discord a pleasant and safe place to hang out for all.

  2. Hace 4 días · Stolen Faces is a short book, but it packs a massive punch. Through a seemingly innocuous sub-culture it confronts readers with the dark side of humanity—not the serial killers and perverts out there, rather something more widespread, something more communal, something more human in nature. It makes the reader both uncomfortable and reflective.

  3. Hace 4 días · In a more tight-knit group of experts, guild resources will more evenly find their way to you when you're not a top-ranking member, but you'll be part of a less powerful group overall. Sounds like the system already does a great job at equally rewarding strong guilds of any size.

  4. Hace 1 día · ESL Open #233: Oliveira, SKillous, Clem win 8 GuMiho wins HomeStory Cup 25 21 Code S RO8 - Group B Results + RO4 bracket 5 FlaSh allegedly returning to StarCraft 120 ESL Open #232: herO, MaxPax, ByuN win 2

  5. Hace 6 días · World PVP is my main focus in world of warcraft for many years. That means finding all the unique items and buffs to get that edge in outdoor pvp. Like classic with all the unique quest items and empowerments. The 20% Mastery Ruby Feast buff from Valdraken needs to not be allowed in TWW In Dragonflight we’ve had Far Too many OVERPOWERED world buffs. We’ve had the 50% - 100% Damage one shot ...

  6. Hace 4 días · The problem in compounded in Grey Host (CP Cryodiil) when you have players that have 2000+ cp and already deal and mitigate tremendous amounts of damage. Then slap a set like this in the game and are in a ball group. This is a terrible experience all round. Options #3. June 28.

  7. Hace 1 día · I pug a lot of the time, and keep track of stats I see! The average pug tank on Argo I see with at least one completionist feat in their bio and wings has in the 5k-6.5k hp range—substantially less than what you can hit on a first lifer.