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  1. Hace 4 horas · Madrid, 07 jul (EFE).-. .-. Jerusalén.-. Cientos de familias evacuaron en la madrugada de este lunes los barrios de Tuffah, Daraj y Ciudad Vieja de ciudad de Gaza (norte) hacia el oeste, como ...

  2. Hace 15 horas · The Kandahar Water Supply Authority has made significant strides in improving water accessibility by successfully restoring two water supply wells in the province’s central area. The director of water supply in Kandahar confirmed that with the financial support of Sari Mees, these wells were reconstructed in the second and fourth districts, amounting to a total cost of 30,000 US dollars.

  3. Hace 15 horas · KABUL (Pajhwok): Mohammad Asif Nang, an official in the previous government, says security has been ensured in Afghanistan amid a successful economic diplomacy, but supportive laws are required and necessary steps should be taken to stabilise the country. The former minister said the caretaker government has met basic conditions for recognition ...

  4. Hace 15 horas · KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, July 8 (Xinhua) -- Police have discovered more than 2 tonnes of illegal drugs including heroin and destroyed poppy farms in south Afghanistan's Kandahar province over the past two days, provincial police spokesperson Mullah Asadullah Jamshid said Monday.

  5. Hace 6 horas · The Ministry of Public Works has announced an extension to the contract for the reconstruction of the Hairatan-Mazar-e-Sharif railway line in collaboration with Uzbekistan, Tolo news reported. Mohammad Ashraf Haqshenas, spokesperson for the Ministry, confirmed that the contract has been extended by six months.

  6. Hace 15 horas · Astăzi începe la Washington summitul NATO, care celebrează 75 de ani de existență a celei mai mari organizații de securitate din lume. Evenimentul, desfășurat pe parcursul a trei zile, adună lideri mondiali, inclusiv președintele Joe Biden și omologii săi din NATO, pentru a discuta teme critice de securitate, în special sprijinul pentru Ucraina, în contextul intensificării ...

  7. Hace 15 horas · Disclaimer हम डाटा संग्रह टूल्स, जैसे की कुकीज के माध्यम से आपकी जानकारी एकत्र करते हैं ताकि आपको बेहतर और व्यक्तिगत अनुभव प्रदान कर सकें और लक्षित विज्ञापन ...

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