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  1. Hace 2 días · Desde las contribuciones de Clifford Geertz en los años 70, el estudio de la cultura ha sido pensado fundamentalmente como un ejercicio ‘hermenéutico’ destinado a interpretar los significados que regulaban las formas de relación social y las prácticas sociales. Esta perspectiva derivó progresivamente hacia la idea de que la observación participante y particularmente la ...

  2. Hace 5 días · Through a comparative exercise between my observations and Clifford Geertz’s descriptions, I will try to indicate some keys to discuss the conclusions of his famous essay. My argument is that Geertz’s text should be valued in the discipline, not only for its contributions to symbolic anthropology and its methodological proposal, but also for its contributions to the analysis of games.

  3. Hace 3 días · El antropólogo Clifford Geertz en “The Interpretation of Cultures” sostiene que el entendimiento y la apreciación de la diversidad cultural son esenciales para el desarrollo de una sociedad equilibrada y armoniosa. Geertz argumenta que al aceptar y valorar las diferencias culturales, ...

  4. Hace 11 horas · Clifford here points to yet another aspect in the polyphony of voices in the field text: This field, now observed, recorded, and shared, has long since ceased to be untouched and uncultivated. Today, field researchers inscribe themselves in their texts about the field, writing about the same field with other texts and other authors.

  5. Hace 11 horas · It goes back to Clifford Geertz, the anthropologist. What Geertz did was re-orient anthropology away from scientific approaches and make it more humanistic. Geertz redefined culture as systems of meaning for the people in that culture. For me, this idea of “meaning” was compelling.

  6. 28 de jun. de 2024 · From left to Right : Rachid Raha, Clifford Geertz and Mohamed Chtatou in Sefrou. Geertz shows how Moroccans are constantly negotiating reality. The bazaar is treated as a cultural form, a social institution and an economic type.

  7. Hace 2 días · Future work can build out an appropriate empirical research method by building on the work of Clifford Geertz or Scott . Assuming the proposal is borne out, the same method can be used to look at the role of everyday resistance in other information behaviors relating to open science.

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