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  1. El conjunto de todos los posibles colores de interferencia nos da como resultado la serie de colores establecida en la tabla de Michel-Lévy (ver figura). Por ejemplo, para un retardo de 400 nm no hay transmisión de la luz violeta (400) y muy baja para el azul (460), pero sí hay una transmisión importante de la luz correspondiente al rojo ...

  2. 29 de feb. de 2024 · A practice and review exercise that asks students to use the Michel-Levy Color chart to find observed interference colors, determine birefringence, and predict changes in interference color based on thickness of the mineral.

  3. › 01 › colores-de-interferencia_michel_levy-practicasMichel-Lévy Color Chart - GEOLOGÍA VIVA

    Auguste Michel-Lévy (1844–1911) French geologist, Inspector General of Mining and director of the Geological Survey in France, made a name for himself by his research into extrusive rocks, their microscopic structure and origin. Until this day, the interference color chart proposed by him in 1888 remains an important tool in the identi-

  4. The lower section of the Michel-Levy chart (x-axis) marks the orders of retardation in multiples of approximately 550 nanometers. The area between zero and 550 nanometers is known as the first order of polarization colors, and the magenta color that occurs in the 550 nanometer region is often termed first-order red .

  5. Figura 2. Tabla de Michel Levy mostrando los colores de interferencia generados por combinación de longitudes de onda al atravesar el analizador, en relación con la birrefringencia y espesor de la lámina delgada. Ángulo de extinción: Los colores de interferencia de un mineral pueden variar de intensidad cuando se gira la platina del ...

  6. The Michel-Levy chart is utilized by comparing the highest-order interference colors displayed by the specimen in the microscope to those contained on the chart. Once the appropriate color has been located, the nearest vertical line along the interference color is followed to the nearest horizontal line representing the known thickness.

  7. Tabla Michel Levy | PDF | Microscopía | Clasificación de minerales. En este archivo se presenta la tabla de Michel Levy, que muestra distintos colores de interferencia de los diferentes minerales, para su identificación con el microscopio óptico by roberto7mora-1.