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  1. How did 'bizarreries cubiques' change the future of fashion? An avant-garde aesthetic created in the early 20th century, Cubism redefined visual art style. Pioneered by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso around 1908, Cubism was a radical new art movement that revolutionized painting and sculpture.

  2. 26 de mar. de 2021 · Cubism in 9 Minutes: Art Movement by Pablo Picasso Explained. Cubism began in France in 1907, as a response to a rapidly changing world shaped by technology, new inventions, and scientific discoveries. Fundamental change always needs a watershed moment, and for visual culture at the beginning of the 20th century, this was Paul Cézanne’s ...

  3. In 1909 Braque's pictures were criticized as ‘bizarreries cubiques’ (‘cubic oddities’); the name stuck and cubism was born. Developed by Braque and Picasso together over the next five years, cubism was probably the most revolutionary force in painting since the Renaissance: ...

  4. El Cubismo es un movimiento artístico que surgió en Francia a principios del siglo XX, impulsado por los pintores Pablo Picasso y Georges Braque. El término “cubismo” fue acuñado por el crítico francés Louis Vauxcelles, que al ver las obras de Braque en una exposición en 1908, las describió como “bizarreries cubiques” (rarezas ...

  5. "jusqu’aux bizarreries cubiques et, je l’avoue, malaisément intelligibles de Bracke [sic] (en voilà, eût dit Pascal, qui abuse l’esprit géométrique!) confère à cette salle touffue un intérêt passionnant."-- Louis Vauxcelles in Gil Blas, 25 March 1909 Related e. Wikipedia Wiktionary

  6. 13 de may. de 2018 · But almost at the same time, Georges Braque’s 1908 Houses at L’Estaque prompted the critic Louis Vauxcelles to refer to bizarreries cubiques (cubic oddities). But, no matter who really “invented” the new style, George Braque is considered as one of its influential artists.

  7. Cubism in other fields. The influence of cubism extended to other artistic fields, outside painting and sculpture. In literature, the written works of Gertrude Stein employ repetition and repetitive phrases as building blocks in both passages and whole chapters. Most of Stein's important works utilize this technique, including the novel The Makings of Americans (1906–08) Not only were they ...