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  1. Lincoln Electric est le leader mondial dans la conception, le développement et la fabrication de produits de soudage à l'arc, de systèmes automatisés d'assemblage, de montage et de coupage, d'équipements de coupage au plasma et de coupage oxy-combustible.

  2. With a century of involvement in welding training, Lincoln Electric offers the industry’s most comprehensive welding education for today’s welder. Lincoln Electric is the world leader in the design, development and manufacture of arc welding products, automated joining, assembly and cutting systems, plasma & oxy-fuel cutting equipment.

  3. Lincoln Electric è il leader mondiale nella progettazione, sviluppo e produzione di prodotti per saldatura ad arco, sistemi di giunzione automatizzati, assemblaggio e taglio, attrezzature per il taglio al plasma e ossitaglio.

  4. Lincoln Electric ist weltweit führend in der Konstruktion, Entwicklung und Herstellung von Produkten zum Lichtbogenschweißen, automatisierten Verbindungs-, Montage- und Schneidsystemen sowie Plasma- und Autogenschneidanlagen.

  5. Produkcja rur Od stali niestopowej do X120 i wyższej, Lincoln Electric oferuje szeroki zakres rozwiązań spawalniczych dla walcowni rur. Wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej Wieże wiatrowe, elektrownie cieplne i jądrowe, zbiorniki na skroplony gaz ziemny i zbiorniki ciśnieniowe wymagają rozwiązań spawalniczych, spełniających surowe normy przemysłowe.

  6. With a century of involvement in welding training, Lincoln Electric offers the industry’s most comprehensive welding education for today’s welder. Lincoln Electric is the world leader in the design, development and manufacture of arc welding products, automated joining, assembly and cutting systems, plasma & oxy-fuel cutting equipment.

  7. Lincoln Electric is the world leader in design, development, and manufacture of arc welding products. Lincoln Electric has a leading global position in robotic arc-welding systems, plasma and oxyfuel cutting equipment and in the brazing and soldering alloys market. Lincoln Electric Company (India) Pvt. Ltd was established with a Regional Office in Mumbai in 1997.

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