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  1. French poet René Char was born in L’Isle-sur-Sorgue in Provence and educated at the University of Aix-en-Provence. He moved to Paris after publishing his first book of poems, Cloches sur le Coeur (1928). In the early 1930s, he was active in the surrealist movement, joining a community of writers and artists that included Louis Aragon, André Breton, and Pablo Picasso.

  2. René Émile Char est le benjamin des quatre enfants issus des secondes noces, en 1888, de Joseph Emile Magne Char (1863-1918), négociant né à L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, et de Marie-Thérèse Armande Rouget (1869-1951), sœur de sa première épouse, Julia Rouget, morte en 1886 de tuberculose un an après leur mariage. À la naissance de René ...

  3. De esta experiencia en la lucha clandestina surgió su gran obra poética "Páginas de Hypnos". Es uno de los poetas cuya fama ha crecido rápidamente en los últimos años. Elogiado ampliamente por la crítica, es considerado como uno de los máximos poetas de Francia. Falleció en 1988. ©. Poemas de René Char: Artina Bailemos en Baronnies.

  4. René Char (born June 14, 1907, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Fr.—died Feb. 19, 1988, Paris) was a French poet who began as a Surrealist but who, after his experiences as a Resistance leader in World War II, wrote economical verse with moralistic overtones.. After completing his education in Provence, Char moved in the late 1920s to Paris, where he became friends with Surrealist writers and wrote ...

  5. I am writing here as one of the numerous persons to whom René Char has given a reason for so many things, moral, psychological, and creative. And it’s of his life as a résistant that I’d like to write just a few words. He was not only a resistance fighter in the war—to which the Leaves of Hypnos bears witness—but a fighter all along on the moral plane, his whole life long.

  6. 22 de oct. de 2020 · René Émile Char nace el 14 de junio de 1907 en L’Isle-sur-Sorgue, en Provenza (Francia), era el menor de cuatro hijos de Emile Char, casado en segundas nupcias con Marie-Thérèse Rouget. Su padre era alcalde y director gerente de la yesería de Vaucluse.

  7. René Char - René-Émile Char was born on June 14, 1907, in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, a town in the Provence region of France, to Émile Char and Marie-Thérèse (née Rouget). Char was the youngest of four children born to the couple. Char’s father died in 1918. Char received his education at a boarding school—Lycée d’Avignon in Provence—and left at seventeen.

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