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  1. Biographie D. H. Lawrence à 21 ans en 1906. Jeunesse et formation. Fils de Arthur John Lawrence, un mineur, et de Lydia Beardsall, David Herbert Richards Lawrence voit le jour à Eastwood [1], dans le Nottinghamshire, le 11 septembre 1885.Après l'école primaire, il poursuit sa scolarité à la Nottingham High School de 1898 à 1901. De 1902 à 1906, Lawrence enseigne dans le primaire, dans ...

  2. D. H. Lawrence (Passfoto) Fotoporträt des jungen D. H. Lawrence (1906) David Herbert Lawrence (* 11.September 1885 in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire; † 2. März 1930 in Vence, Frankreich) war ein englischer Schriftsteller, der als erster Schriftsteller von Rang in der englischen Literatur des 20.Jahrhunderts aus einer Arbeiterfamilie stammte.

  3. Targa del comune di Spotorno riguardo al soggiorno di D.H. Lawrence e sua moglie Frieda in questa località tra il 1925-1926. Quartogenito di Arthur John Lawrence, un minatore del Nottinghamshire, e Lydia Beardsall, una maestra fino al momento delle nozze, David Herbert visse in famiglia con i fratelli maggiori Ernest e George e le due sorelle, la maggiore Emily e la minore Ada.

  4. 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯(David Herbert Lawrence,1885年9月11日~1930年3月2日),20世纪英国小说家、批评家、诗人、画家。代表作品有《儿子与情人》、《虹》、《恋爱中的女人》和《查泰莱夫人的情人》等。劳伦斯出生于矿工家庭,当过屠户会计、厂商雇员和小学教师,曾在国内外漂泊十多年,对现实抱 ...

  5. Online exhibition, 'A Literary Legacy: D H Lawrence at the University of Nottingham' D. H. Lawrence information and events website, endorsed by the University of Nottingham' Review of Michael Black's Lawrence's England: Thomas L. Jeffers, "Lawrence's Major Phase," Yale Review 90 (Summer 2002), 148-58. Review of John Worthen's biography of D. H ...

  6. D. H. Lawrence. David Herbert Lawrence ou D. H. Lawrence ( Nottingham, 11 de setembro de 1885 – Vence, 2 de março de 1930) foi um escritor inglês, conhecido pelos seus romances, poemas e livros de viagens. Com uma longa lista de obras publicadas se estendendo por muitos gêneros literários, D. H. Lawrence, inicialmente celebrado por sua ...

  7. English writer D.H. Lawrence’s prolific and diverse output included novels, short stories, poems, plays, essays, travel books, paintings, translations, and literary criticism. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, human ...

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