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  1. Nebula(ネビュラ)は、「Anker」で培ったノウハウやバッテリー技術を受け継ぎながら、臨場感あふれる映像とサウンドを実現する技術をコンパクトなボディに搭載することで、これまでの”特別な”映像体験をより身近なものにするスマートプロジェクターブランドです。

  2. The word ‘nebula’ used to have a much broader meaning, referring to any celestial object that appeared to have a diffuse structure, including the objects that we now know as galaxies. Some of Hubble’s most popular images have been of beautiful and colourful nebulae. You can explore the vast ESA/Hubble archive of hundreds of nebula images ...

  3. 6 de may. de 2024 · A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space. Some nebulae (more than one nebula) come from the gas and dust thrown out by the explosion of a dying star, such as a supernova. Other nebulae are regions where new stars are beginning to form. For this reason, some nebulae are called "star nurseries." These towers of cosmic dust and gas make ...

  4. The Rosette Nebula (Emission Nebula) The Four Main Types of Nebulae Emission Nebula / Star-Forming Region. Also known as “stellar nurseries”, these massive collections of hydrogen gas are pulled together by gravity to form incredible formations like the “ Pillars of Creation ” found within the Eagle Nebula. In these star-forming regions, the formations of gas, dust, and other materials ...

  5. Nebula is smart, thoughtful videos, podcasts, and classes from your favorite creators.

  6. 7 de feb. de 2024 · Smaller stars like our sun end their lives by ejecting their outer layers of gas into space over the course of about 10,000 years, leaving behind the star’s hot core — a white dwarf. Radiation from the white dwarf causes the gas to glow, creating a unique and beautiful formation called a planetary nebula.

  7. The Orion Nebula is 1,500 light-years away, the nearest star-forming region to Earth. Astronomers used 520 Hubble images, taken in five colours, to make this picture. They also added ground-based photos to fill out the nebula. The ACS mosaic covers approximately the apparent angular size of the full moon.

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