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  1. Jonah was born to father Woodson Hex and mother Virginia Hex on November 1, 1838. Raised by his alcoholic father, Jonah was a regular victim of physical abuse as a child. His father eventually stopped supporting him and sold him into slavery with an Apache tribe at the age of 13 during 1851. They worked him constantly until one day, in 1853 ...

  2. Bande annonce officielle du le film "Jonah Hex" réalisé par Jimmy Hayward avec Josh Brolin et Megan Fox. Issu de la bande dessinée légendaire DC Comics, Jona...

  3. Jonah Hex est un personnage de l'univers de DC Comics.Il est créé par John Albano et Tony DeZuniga et apparait pour la première fois dans le numéro 10 de All-Star Western en 1972.. Les scénaristes Mark Neveldine et Brian Taylor devaient également réaliser le film mais ont finalement préféré refuser en raison de désaccords artistiques avec le studio [10].

  4. gudaulin. Jonah Hex je přesně ten druh filmu, který potvrzuje dlouhodobě udržované stereotypy o tom, že komiks je zábava pro ranné puberťáky a zoufalce, kteří v dospělém věku zamrzli na úrovni 15letého výrostka. Je zkrátka a dobře pitomý, plytký a tupý tak, že ho nezachrání ani obsazení několika známých a ...

  5. Jonah Hex ist ein US-amerikanischer Antihelden-Western aus dem Jahr 2010, basierend auf der gleichnamigen DC-Comicreihe. Handlung. Als Kriegsflüchtling des Sezessionskrieges wird Jonah Hex von Quentin Turnbull gefangen genommen. Turnbull bindet Hex vor seinem Haus an ein Kreuz und ...

  6. 18 de jun. de 2010 · Jonah Hex (Josh Brolin) is a scarred drifter and bounty hunter of last resort, a tough and stoic gunslinger who can track down anyone…and anything. Having survived death, Jonah’s violent history is steeped in myth and legend, and has left him with one foot in the natural world and one on the “other side.”. His only human connection is ...

  7. 16 de jun. de 2010 · "Jonah Hex" is a Western set around the town of Stunk Crick, although that doesn't entirely explain why the climactic scene involves an attack on the U. S. Capitol Building in Washington. Using my powers of logic, I deduce that the characters traveled there from Stunk Crick. The movie is not precise in its geography. Most of the location filming was in Louisiana, which is not named, perhaps ...

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