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  1. Lobo is an intergalactic bounty hunter, the last Czarnian. Known for his colorful speech and rapid regeneration, he has been a nuisance more than a threat. Lobo, whose name comes from a Khund dialect [4] and means "one who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it," is the last of his people for one reason: he killed them all. He hailed from the planet Czarnia which was a virtual paradise ...

  2. 22 de nov. de 2013 · "Me and You and a Dog Named Boo" is the 1971 debut single by Lobo and written by Kent LaVoie. It appears on the Introducing Lobo album. The single peaked at ...

  3. Lobo. The Last Czarnian and "The Main Man," Lobo is the most badass bounty hunter in the galaxy. He’s the best bounty hunter in the known universe and the last sentient being you’d ever want to get into a bar fight with if you hope to make it out in one piece. He’s the intergalactic alien badass known as Lobo, often called by his nickname ...

  4. 13 de oct. de 2020 · Como bien hemos mencionado, existen numerosas subespecies o tipos de lobo, las cuales pueden adoptar tamaños y características diferentes. Sin embargo, la gran mayoría suelen medir entre 1 y 2 metros de longitud desde el hocico hasta la cola, pesar entre 30 y 60 kilogramos y tener una altura de aproximadamente 80 centímetros desde el suelo hasta la cruz del animal.

  5. 6 de abr. de 2013 · Click "Show More" for lyrics. Roland Kent LaVoie, better known by the stage name Lobo (born 31 July 1943), is an American singer-songwriter who was successfu...

  6. Alimentación: Carnívora. Dieta: Mamíferos, aves, reptiles, peces. Reproducción: Vivíparos. Distribución: Todo el planeta menos la Antártida. Período de gestación: 62 – 75 días. Origen: 7 millones de años. Su nombre científico es canis lupus. Los lobos pertenecen a la familia de los cánidos, dentro de los mamíferos carnívoros ...

  7. 8 de mar. de 2021 · LOBO Nonstop Songs Greatest Hits Full Album - Best Songs of LOBOLOBO Nonstop Songs Greatest Hits Full Album - Best Songs of LOBOLOBO Nonstop Songs Greatest H...

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