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  1. 1 de may. de 2023 · Marissa Mayer revolucionó Google y Yahoo Es una ingeniera en informática y directiva estadounidense que ha trabajado en algunas de las empresas de tecnología más importantes del mundo. Se graduó con honores en Sistemas de Símbolos y tiene un máster en Informática por la Universidad de Stanford, donde se especializó en inteligencia artificial y dio clases de programación.

  2. Marissa Mayer rompe los esquemas. Una empollona de matemáticas a la que le gusta la moda de gama alta, y que perfectamente se ajusta a ciertos estereotipos mientras que rompe moldes en otros. Con vosotros Marissa Ann Mayer (nacida en Wausau Wisconsin, un 30 de mayo de 1975) y referente para muchas mujeres jóvenes, especialmente en Estados Unidos.

  3. 20 de feb. de 2024 · Marissa Mayer has long been an inspiration for innovative women battling to break through the gender barriers in a male-dominated technology industry. After graduating from Stanford University, Mayer joined Google in 1999 when the internet search giant was still a startup and then went on to design breakthrough products such as Gmail.

  4. 21 de ago. de 2013 · Marissa Mayer Flickr/Fortune Live Media There is no one else in the world like Marissa Mayer. Now 38 years old, she is a wife, a mother, an engineer, and the CEO of a 30-billion-dollar company.

  5. 16 de ene. de 2014 · Marissa Mayer Is Named Chief of Yahoo Ms. Mayer, a top executive at Google, becomes the seventh chief executive of Yahoo in less than five years. She also announces that she is pregnant.

  6. 18 de abr. de 2018 · Marissa Mayer was celebrated as a savior when she left Google to become chief executive of Yahoo in 2012. A brilliant computer scientist, Ms. Mayer was the 20th employee at Google, and influenced ...

  7. 3 de oct. de 2019 · From 1999 to 2012, Marissa Mayer was one of the most public faces at Google, where she helped to build the company’s core search and advertising platforms. From 2012 to 2017 she steered Yahoo ...