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  1. Mycroft Holmes ist der sieben Jahre ältere Bruder von Sherlock Holmes und tritt im Kanon zwei Mal persönlich auf und wird mehrfach erwähnt. Der griechische Dolmetscher In diesem Fall berichtet Sherlock Holmes erstmals gegenüber seinem Freund und Kollegen Dr. Watson von der Existenz seines Bruders…

  2. Mycroft Holmes è un personaggio immaginario dei racconti di Arthur Conan Doyle, fratello maggiore di sette anni del famoso detective Sherlock Holmes.In possesso di capacità deduttive addirittura superiori di quelle del fratello minore, Mycroft è tuttavia incapace di svolgere il lavoro tanto caro al fratello a causa della sua pigrizia.

  3. Mycroft Holmes is een personage uit de Sherlock Holmes-verhalen geschreven door Arthur Conan Doyle. Hij is de zeven jaar oudere broer van Sherlock Holmes. Profiel. Volgens Sherlock Holmes beschikt Mycroft net als hij over de gave om deductief conclusies te trekken uit kleine aanwijzingen. Hij schijnt hier zelfs ...

  4. In the Sherlock Holmes stories Mycroft Holmes, by Sidney Paget (1893) Mycroft Holmes, by Arthur Twidle (1908). Brother of Sherlock Holmes.(BRUC, 29) Description. He was 7 years older than Sherlock Holmes (GREE, 23).He was a much larger and stouter man. His body was absolutely corpulent, but his face, though massive, had preserved something of the sharpness of expression which was so remarkable ...

  5. Mycroft Holmes est aussi un personnage du roman graphique d'Alan Moore et Kevin O'Neill mettant en scène de nombreux personnages de fiction : La Ligue des gentlemen extraordinaires. Il est fait référence à Mycroft Holmes comme « supercerveau » dans le roman La Fête du cochon (1978) du Suédois Leif Gw Persson (éditions Payot & Rivages 2011 p.

  6. Mycroft Holmes is a minor character on the BBC Crime Drama Sherlock. Mycroft has a job in the English goverment but according to Sherlock, it's only a minor part in the British government but he makes it seem more than it actually is. He is the older brother of Sherlock and they have a very strained relationship. Mycroft is portrayed by Mark Gatiss who is the executive producer, co-creator ...

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