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  1. 22 de ene. de 2008 · Germano's Lullaby for Liquid Pig was released back in 2003 on a fly-by-night label fueled by the fast-fading promise of the internet boom. Needless to say, it's been out of print for years, and as ...

  2. Geek the Girl is the third studio album by American singer-songwriter Lisa Germano.A breakthrough of sorts for her, it was released on October 25, 1994 by 4AD, just six months after the re-release of her previous album, Happiness.. The album earned Germano the most praise she'd yet received from the press, becoming a critical favorite – including being featured as the 84th best album of the ...

  3. Lisa Germano è in costante lotta con sé stessa, con le sue angosce infantili, le sue fobie e le sue paranoie, ma tenta di esorcizzarle attraverso ninnananne fatate e sinistre. Happiness , comunque, rappresenta anche probabilmente il suo disco più "rock", quello in cui, nel pieno dell'epopea grunge, ha cercato di agganciare i suoi psicodrammi ad architetture sonore più piene, aspre e ...

  4. Lisa Germano is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Indiana. Her album Geek the Girl (1994) was chosen a top album of the 1990s by S...

  5. Biographie. Lisa Germano est née dans une famille d'origine italienne à Mishawaka, dans l'Indiana.Son père étant chef d'orchestre et sa mère professeur de solfège, avec ses frères et sœurs, elle est très tôt initiée à la musique et étudie le piano.Elle montre très rapidement des dons pour cet instrument mais elle arrêtera d'en jouer vers l'âge de 10 ans, choisissant plus tard ...

  6. Lisa Germano - タワーレコード|最新アルバムCD・シングルCDやBlu-ray・DVD作品、関連本・雑誌・グッズなど一覧はこちら