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  1. Who is Dr. Temple Grandin? Behaviour of cattle, pigs, bison and antelope during handling and transport Design of stockyards, lairages, corrals, races, chutes, and loading ramps Design of restraining systems Humane Slaughter Stress and Meat Quality Ritual Slaughter (Kosher and Halal) Research Articles

  2. Mary Temple Grandin (Boston, 29 de agosto de 1947) é uma psicóloga e zootecnista americana autista que revolucionou as práticas para o tratamento racional de animais vivos em fazendas e abatedouros. Bacharel em Psicologia pelo Franklin Pierce College e com mestrado em Zootecnia na Universidade Estadual do Arizona, é Ph.D. em Zootecnia, desde 1989, pela Universidade de Illinois.

  3. Who is Dr. Temple Grandin? Behaviour of cattle, pigs, bison and antelope during handling and transport Design of stockyards, lairages, corrals, races, chutes, and loading ramps Design of restraining systems Humane Slaughter Stress and Meat Quality Ritual Slaughter (Kosher and Halal) Research Articles

  4. テンプル・グランディン(2011年) テンプル・グランディン(Temple Grandin, 1947年 8月29日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の動物学者、非虐待的な家畜施設の設計者。 女性。ボストン生まれ。 コロラド州立大学 (英語版) 教授。 自閉症を抱えながら社会的な成功を収めた人物として知られている。

  5. Temple Grandin (Boston, 29 agosto 1947) è un'attivista ed etologa statunitense, professoressa associata della Colorado State University, una delle più famose personalità con diagnosi di spettro autistico. La Grandin è molto nota anche per la sua attività di progettista di attrezzature per il bestiame

  6. Temple Grandin (Boston, 29 augustus 1947) is Amerikaanse zoöloog en bekend hoogbegaafd persoon met autisme. Ze is hoogleraar aan de Colorado State University en professioneel ontwerper van 'diervriendelijke' slachterijen. In 2010 verscheen er een biografische film over haar leven.

  7. Temple Grandin, diagnosed with autism as a child, talks about how her mind works -- sharing her ability to "think in pictures," which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss. She makes the case that the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers, verbal thinkers, and all kinds of smart geeky kids.

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