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  1. Hace 2 días · Description. This function computes one or more contrasts of the estimated regression coefficients in a fit from one of the functions in rms, along with standard errors, confidence limits, t or Z statistics, P-values. General contrasts are handled by obtaining the design matrix for two sets of predictor settings ( a, b) and subtracting the ...

  2. Hace 2 días · Details. Is best used with a previous call to ggplot2::stat_contour with the same parameters (e.g. the same binwidth, breaks, or bins).Note that while geom_text_contour() can angle itself to follow the contour, this is not the case with geom_label_contour().. Aesthetics. geom_text_contour understands the following aesthetics (required aesthetics are in bold):

  3. Hace 2 días · I have a jags model in R (below). I am confused how I should be incorporating gamma into predictions. This is how I am doing it now (below). Should I be adding another value to multiply the gamma

  4. Hace 2 días · If density calculation is not wanted, use stat="identity" or use geom_ridgeline. The difference between geom_density_ridges and geom_ridgeline is that geom_density_ridges will provide automatic scaling of the ridgelines (controlled by the scale aesthetic), whereas geom_ridgeline will plot the data as is. Note that when you set stat="identity ...

  5. Hace 2 días · Line segments with flexible arrows Description. The basic geom_arrowsegment() is equivalent to geom_segment(arrow = arrow()). (It is assumed that the user wants some kind of arrow.) The extended functionality is to allow free placement of the arrowhead anywhere along the segment, and also multiple arrowheads, and to allow a fill aesthetic (which will only be visible for closed arrowheads).

  6. Hace 2 días · All ⁠geom_edge_*⁠ and geom_edge_*2 have the ability to draw a label along the edge. The reason this is not a separate geom is that in order for the label to know the location of the edge it needs to know the edge type etc. Labels are drawn by providing a label aesthetic.