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  1. The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, is widely considered to be F. Scott Fitzergerald's greatest novel.It is also considered a seminal work on the fallibility of the American dream. It focuses on a young man, Jay Gatsby, who, after falling in love with a woman from the social elite, makes a lot of money in an effort to win her love.

  2. 23 de may. de 2013 · Aparentemente, Gatsby lo tiene todo, pero busca a Nick porque necesita (re)encontrarse con la prima de éste, Daisy, una mujer casada con un hombre rico. La trama no tiene misterio alguno --hasta el tráiler lo revela-- pero Luhrmann consigue dotar de emoción a cada instante, cada mirada, cada frase, cada gesto, de un Gatsby enamorado trágicamente.

  3. The Great Gatsby) — роман американского писателя Фрэнсиса Скотта Фицджеральда; самое знаменитое литературное произведение « века джаза ». Роман был начат Фицджеральдом в Нью-Йорке, а закончен в ...

  4. Fitzgerald was the most famous chronicler of 1920s America, an era that he dubbed “the Jazz Age.”. Written in 1925, The Great Gatsby is one of the greatest literary documents of this period, in which the American economy soared, bringing unprecedented levels of prosperity to the nation. Prohibition, the ban on the sale and consumption of ...

  5. 《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家弗朗西斯·斯科特·基·菲茨杰拉德创作的一部以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为背景的中篇小说,出版于1925年。该小说主要描述在美国的“爵士时代”,一个名为盖茨比的社会底层青年人在物质丰富和精神喧嚣的时代下如何为人生奋斗的故事,从盖茨比的视角展现了 ...

  6. Nick was an undergraduate at Oxford during the months Gatsby studied there. Nick works at the bond house where Gatsby’s stolen securities were taken from. Nick and Gatsby fought in the same battle in World War I. Gatsby has seen his next-door neighbor around, but assumed Nick was one of his own servants. Next section Chapter 1.

  7. 5 de ago. de 2023 · 「グレート・ギャツビー」は、原題である”The Great Gatsby”を直訳したもので、直訳すると「偉大なギャツビー」となります。 ここでの「偉大」は、ギャツビーの豪華な生活や彼が持つ夢を指していますが、同時に彼の悲劇的な結末を予兆するものでもあります。

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