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  1. › wiki › DenmarkDenmark - Wikipedia

    Denmark is a developed country with a high standard of living, and was the first country to legally recognise same-sex partnerships. It is a founding member of NATO, the Nordic Council, the OECD, the OSCE, and the United Nations, and is part of the Schengen Area.

  2. Culturas prehistóricas. Aunque se piensa que el territorio fue habitado hace unos 120 000 años, los primeros restos arqueológicos relacionados con la presencia humana datan de la oscilación de Bølling, de 12 500-12 000 a. C. [13] . El carro solar de Trundholm, perteneciente a la Edad de Bronce nórdica.. Magdaleniense (12 000 a. C.-9000 a. C.) Cazaban caballos y mamuts.

  3. Once we were brutal Vikings. Now we are one of the world's most peaceful societies and well-known for equality, sustainability and hygge. Welcome to Denmark.

  4. Hace 6 días · This article covers principally the land and people of continental Denmark. However, the Kingdom of Denmark also encompasses the Faroe Islands and the island of Greenland, both located in the North Atlantic Ocean. Each area is distinctive in history, language, and culture.

  5. Denmark (Danish: Danmark), officially named the Kingdom of Denmark, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe. It is the furthest south of the Scandinavian countries, to the northwest of North America, to the south of Norway and south-west of Sweden (which it is connected to by a bridge).

  6. Bornholm – an island of everyday culinary heroes. Facts and myths about Denmark's Vikings. 17 unusual places to stay in Denmark. We have so many great attractions, famous places and things to do in Denmark. Travel to Denmark to discover some of our best holiday destinations.

  7. 22 de mar. de 2023 · Visita la web oficial de Dinamarca que contiene atractivos vídeos sobre Dinamarca, la bandera danesa, los vikingos, la reina danesa y muchas cosas más. En encontrarás todas las direcciones, números de teléfono y páginas web de las oficinas de representación de Dinamarca en el extranjero.

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