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  1. 14 de sept. de 2021 · In the year 1984, Britain has been renamed Airstrip One and is a province of Oceania, a vast totalitarian superstate ruled by ‘the Party’, whose politics are described as Ingsoc (‘English Socialism’). Big Brother is the leader of the Party, which keeps its citizens in a perpetual state of fear and submission through a variety of means.

  2. The movie's 1984 is like a year arrived at through a time warp, an alternative reality that looks constructed out of old radio tubes and smashed office furniture. There is not a single prop in this movie that you couldn't buy in a junkyard, and yet the visual result is uncanny: Orwell's hero, Winston Smith, lives in a world of grim and crushing ...

  3. Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on George Orwell's 1984. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides. 1984: Introduction. A concise biography of George Orwell plus historical and literary context for 1984. 1984: Plot Summary.

  4. 1984 (1949). Esta última ofrece una descripción aterradora de la vida bajo la vigilancia constante del “Gran Hermano”. Cabe citar entre otros escritos, la novela Que vuele la aspidistra (1936) y Disparando al elefante y otros ensayos (1950), ambas consideradas modelos de prosa descriptiva, y Así fueron las

  5. 1984 sitúa su acción en un Estado totalitario. Como explica O'Brien, el astuto y misterioso miembro de la dirección del partido dominante, el poder es el valor absoluto y único: para conquistarlo no hay nada en el mundo que no deba ser sacrificado y, una vez alcanzado, nada queda de importante en la vida a no ser la voluntad de conservarlo a cualquier precio.

  6. 326 страници. Начало. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Край. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother. 1984 в Общомедия. 1984 (на английски: Nineteen Eighty-Four) е ...

  7. Az 1984 (eredeti címén Nineteen Eighty-Four) egy szatirikus politikai regény és szerelmi történet George Orwelltől. Olyan disztópia (negatív utópia), amelyben a felügyelő állam tökéletes alkalmazkodást követel a polgároktól hazugságokkal, félelemkeltéssel és kegyetlen büntetésekkel. Az 1949-ben kiadott mű Orwell ...

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