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  1. Seemannia sylvatica: 科名: 苦苣苔科: 屬名: 圓彤屬: 別名: 原產地: 玻利維亞、秘魯、巴拉圭、巴西南部及阿根廷北部的森林中: 花色: 橘: 花序: 總狀花序: 花瓣數: 5瓣: 花的大小: 大約 0 至 1 公分: 花期: 春季、秋季: 葉形: 披針形: 性狀分類: 宿根性草本: 園藝分類: 觀花 ...

  2. Botanical name: Seemannia sylvatica Family: Gesneriaceae (Gloxinia family) Synonyms: Gloxinia sylvatica, Gesneria sylvatica. Bolivian Sunset Gloxinia is a stunning winter-flowering subshrub that produces sprays of bold, red-orange flowers. These blooms are a delightful contrast to its shiny, dark green leaves.

  3. 1 de abr. de 2012 · Seemannia sylvatica is self-compatible, since fruit set occurred on the experiments of spontaneous self-pollination, manual self-pollination, cross-pollination and open pollination (control).

  4. Tubular scarlet flowers are borne throughout the summer and autumn months amidst mound like leaves. Will gently creep underground but needs a frost free place. Excellent as a greenhouse or conservatory plant. Height 20-30cm (8-12') Delivery Info. Seemannia sylvatica - 9 cm.

  5. Seemannia sylvatica 'Bolivian Sunset' flower buds Image. Seemannia sylvatica 'Bolivian Sunset' after flowering Image. Seemannia sylvatica 'Bolivian Sunset' foliage Previous Next. Hours. Hours: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM | Daily. For their safety and the safety of our animal collection, pets are not allowed, nor can they be left in vehicles inside ...

  6. Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 8b -9.4 °C (15 °F) to -6.7 °C (20 °F) Plant Height: 12 to 24 inches. Plant Spread: 24 to 36 inches or more. Leaves: Deciduous. Other: Will be killed back by frost and freezes but usually grows back.

  7. シーマニア・シルバティカ(Seemannia sylvatica)[別名:シーマニア] イワタバコ科シーマニア属南アメリカ(ペルー・ボリビア・アルゼンチン北部・パラグアイ・ブラジル南部)原産で、観賞用に栽培される多年草。丈は20-60cm。地下に鱗状の地下茎を有し、地表や地下に細い匍匐茎が旺盛に伸びて株立ち ...