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  1. Wild bee hives map. Ok, so browsing through other guides I found out that one of the most thin resources that takes a lot of time to obtain to move on is bee hives and preacious bees and wax they produce. No secret that money are tight in this game and players don't want to waste 20 silver to build their first hive at the apiary, so I took some ...

  2. 1 de jun. de 2020 · A Graveyard Keeper map that I threw together using in-game screenshots and Paint.exe. Episcop, the Bishop, appears on the day representing pride at your church, standing next to the door. He has one of the six artifacts you need to beat the game and is integral in advancing the church storyline.

  3. The village is a small hamlet in the kingdom, where the world is flat and there are six days to a week. (1) The Dead Horse tavern is located in the center of the village. The innkeeper is called Horadric. It is always open for trading. (2) The blacksmith is called Krezvold. His shop is found south of the tavern. (3) The merchant only appears on . He runs the trade office in front of which he's ...

  4. 20. Technical Information. Internal name: coal. The coal must be extracted with a pick. The only known deposits are on the north cliff face near the quarry, in the forest northwest of the graveyard and south of the wheat farm. It can also be obtained via a zombie ore mine . The southern deposit is unreachable, due to it being in the town, yet ...

  5. 23 de oct. de 2018 · It looks like this (the regular version above and and an extreme 100% fog to demonstrate the effect). As you see, the tops of houses and trees are seen from the fog. In fact, this effect is really easy to make. The fog consists of a great deal of horizontal clouds spread across all the picture.

  6. The Forest near the river is a big area located in the north-west area of the map, above the waterfall and north of the witch's land. It is divided by the river into two sections, the western and the eastern half. To get to the Forest near the river, the player has to remove at least 2 blockages on either side of the river. Removing those blockages is well worth it though, since the area ...

  7. Über Graveyard Keeper. Graveyard Keeper ist die moralisch verwerflichste, mittelalter Friedhofsverwaltungssimulation des Jahres. Baue und verwalte deinen eigenen Friedhof während du Wege finden musst, wie du Kosten minimieren kannst, an Hexenverbrennungszeremonien teilnimmst, oder Dorfbewohner in deine Kirche bekommst.