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  1. Ernest Rutherford, Nelson bárója ( Brightwater, 1871. augusztus 30. – Cambridge 1937. október 19.) új-zélandi születésű brit fizikus, az atomfizika egyik megalapítója, a róla elnevezett atommodell kidolgozója. A radioaktív sugárzáson belüli alfa- és béta-sugárzás felfedezéséért 1908-ban kémiai Nobel-díjat kapott.

  2. 22 de dic. de 2021 · Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) fue un científico neozelandés que hizo grandes contribuciones al campo de la física y de la química a través de sus estudios en la radioactividad y en la estructura del átomo. Es considerado como el padre de la física nuclear por sus descubrimientos pioneros sobre la estructura atómica.

  3. 31 de may. de 2024 · Ernest Rutherford - Nobel Prize, Atom Model, Physics: Rutherford’s research ability won him a professorship at McGill University, Montreal, which boasted one of the best-equipped laboratories in the Western Hemisphere. Turning his attention to another of the few elements then known to be radioactive, he and a colleague found that thorium emitted a gaseous radioactive product, which he called ...

  4. 4 de sept. de 2023 · Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) foi um físico e químico neozelandês, que pesquisando o urânio descobriu a emissão de raios alfa e beta, deixando grande contribuição para a moderna teoria atômica. Ernest Rutherford nasceu em Nelson, Nova Zelândia, no dia 30 de agosto de 1871, em uma família de imigrantes britânicos.

  5. Ernest Rutherford was born near Nelson in 1871. ‘Ern’, as he was known by his family, later claimed his inventiveness was honed on the challenges of helping out on his parents' farm: ‘We haven't the money, so we've got to think’. His mother, who believed ‘all knowledge is power’, made sure her children had a good education.

  6. Ernest Rutherford (1871 - 1937) là một nhà vật lý người New Zealand hoạt động trong lĩnh vực phóng xạ và cấu tạo nguyên tử. Ông được coi là "cha đẻ" của vật lý hạt nhân; sau khi đưa ra mô hình hành tinh nguyên tử để giải thích thí nghiệm trên lá vàng Ông khám phá ra rằng nguyên tử có điện tích dương tập trung ...

  7. Ernest Rutherford. (1871 - 1937) Ernest Rutherford was born on August 30, 1871, in Spring Grove (now in Brightwater), New Zealand, near Nelson. He was the second son in a family of seven sons and five daughters. He studied at Nelson Collegiate School, and in 1889 won a scholarship to study at Canterbury College, University of New Zealand.

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