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  1. › wiki › Punk_fashionPunk fashion - Wikipedia

    Punk fashion circa 1986, a hairstyle with dyed red liberty spikes Punks in leather jackets with spikes and pin badges, 2003. Punk fashion is the clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, jewellery, and body modifications of the punk counterculture.Punk fashion varies widely, ranging from Vivienne Westwood designs to styles modeled on bands like The Exploited to the dressed-down look of North American ...

  2. El punk en Latinoamérica surgió a finales de la década de los setenta y principios de los ochenta, con bandas como Polo Pepo y Narcosis, impulsado por el auge del movimiento punk a nivel internacional. Sin embargo en la década de los 60 el garage rock ya había incursionado en un rock ruidoso que incita al caos, con bandas como Los Monjes (1965 - 1969) o Los Saicos (1964 - 1966), quienes ...

  3. Le Punk rock es un subgenere del musica rock que se emergeva in le medio del annos 1970. Punk rock veniva del garage rock e hard rock del annos 1960 e reagava al tendentias in rock popular durante le prime medio del annos 1970. Le bandas de punk rock usualmente face cantos breve con un tempo rapide, instrumentation simple e energetic, stilos aspere de cantar e parolas rebelle re themas politic ...

  4. Canadian punk rock. The first punk rock bands in Canada emerged during the late 1970s, in the wake of the US bands Ramones, The New York Dolls, and Blondie, and the UK band Sex Pistols. The Viletones, the Diodes and the Demics were among the pioneers, together with the Skulls (featuring Joey who formed DOA and Wimpy (Brian Roy) who led the ...

  5. › wiki › Post-punkPost-punk - Wikipedia

    Post-punk (originally called new musick) is a broad genre of music that emerged in 1977 in the wake of punk rock.Post-punk musicians departed from punk's traditional elements and raw simplicity, instead adopting a broader, more experimental approach that encompassed a variety of avant-garde sensibilities and non-rock influences. Inspired by punk's energy and do it yourself ethic but determined ...

  6. Punk ideologies. A punk protests against an ACT! for America counter-protest against refugee policy in Boise, Idaho, in November 2015. Punk ideologies are a group of varied social and political beliefs associated with the punk subculture and punk rock. It is primarily concerned with concepts such as mutual aid, [1] against selling out, [2 ...

  7. El punk rock (sovint anomenat simplement punk) és un gènere de música rock i un moviment cultural que neix a mitjans dels anys 70, principalment al Regne Unit i als Estats Units.Les arrels musicals del punk rock es troben en els grups de garage rock americans i de beat britànics dels anys 60, en el pub rock i glam rock britànics de principis dels 70 i, finalment, en els grups del que s ...