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  1. 玛格丽特·汉密尔顿(Margaret Hamilton)本无意提出软件的现代概念,也没想过要将人类送上月球。要知道1960年的社会并不鼓励女性从事高科技行业。那时24岁的玛格丽特数学系本科刚毕业,她计划节衣缩食3年供丈夫入读哈佛法学院,然后自己再去读数学研究生。

  2. March 2024. In Video Vault, Margaret's very first film appearance in the 1933 classic, Another Language.Includes the cleaned-up original black-and-white version along with a separate colorized version. Also in Video Vault, a 1937 film that was famous for real-life tragedy as it was for future fame and fortune.Again, offered in its original black-and-white format as well as a colorized version.

  3. 23 de oct. de 2018 · Margaret Hamilton (Indiana, Estados Unidos, 1936) aterrizó esta semana por primera vez a Barcelona. Disfrutó de la arquitectura de Gaudí y de un concierto en el Palau de la Música en una ...

  4. Interviewed by David C. Brock on 2017-04-13 in Boston, MA X8164.2017© Computer History MuseumIn this oral history, Margaret Hamilton describes her life and c...

  5. The Apollo 11 moon landing was about the astronauts, mission control, software and hardware all working together as a seamless integrated system. None of which would have been possible without the contributions of one engineer: Margaret Hamilton. Who was this pioneer? Matt Porter and Margaret Hamilton detail how a woman and her team launched the software that took mankind to the Moon.

  6. Margaret Brainard Hamilton (December 9, 1902 – May 16, 1985) was an American actress. She was best known for her portrayal of the Wicked Witch of the West, a...

  7. 20 de jul. de 2018 · Margaret Hamilton durant le programme Apollo. C’est grâce à une femme que l’Homme a pu marcher sur la Lune. Longtemps méconnue, Margaret Hamilton est à l’origine du succès de la mission Apollo 11, mais aussi du développement des logiciels informatiques. Sans elle, Neil Amstrong et Buzz Aldrin n’auraient sans doute pas marché sur ...

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