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  1. Title: Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo, known as "Monna Lisa, la Gioconda" or "Mona Lisa", 1503-1519 Creator: Leonardo di ser Piero DA VINCI, dit Léonard de Vinci (1452 - 1519), Paris, musée du Louvre Date Created: 1503/1519 Location Created: Florence, Italie Physical Dimensions: 77 x 53 cm. Original Language: French Provenance: France, Paris, musée du Louvre ...

  2. 14 de oct. de 2023 · Leonardo da Vinci worked on the Mona Lisa between the years of 1503–1506, at which point he would have been in his early fifties. There is considerable evidence to suggest, however, that he continued to re-visit the work from time to time, making minor adjustments until 1517 at the latest. That would mean that Leonardo would have been working ...

  3. That is why, in 1966, the Louvre chose to show Leonardo’s masterpiece in the Salle des États, the largest room in the palace. Mona Lisa’s famously enigmatic smile has fascinated viewers for centuries. Among her first admirers was King François I, who invited Leonardo da Vinci to France and bought the painting from him in 1518.

  4. Mona Líza alebo Mona Lisa (tal. Monna Lisa alebo Mona Lisa alebo La Gioconda) je obraz talianskeho renesančného umelca Leonarda da Vinciho, ktorého vznik je datovaný približne do obdobia rokov 1503 – 1505.. Portrét zobrazuje Lisu Gherardini, manželku florentského obchodníka Francesca di Bartolomeo di Zanobi del Giocondo, oblečenú podľa súdobej florentskej módy, na pozadí ...

  5. (gentle music) - We're in the single most crowed room in the Louvre but for good reason. This is the room that holds the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. Without a doubt, the most famous painting in the world. - Of course it's her smile that's so famous today and it certainly is a smile that doesn't clearly tell us what she's feeling. It's ...

  6. Leonardo da Vinci fue un artista, inventor, ingeniero, científico y anatomista italiano del Renacimiento. Es famoso por obras maestras como la Mona Lisa y La Última Cena, así como por sus investigaciones en ciencias como la anatomía y la física. Su legado abarca desde la pintura hasta la arquitectura, la música y la ciencia, siendo ...

  7. 13 de ene. de 2009 · The painting was also shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York from February 7 to March 4, and returned to France aboard the S.S. United States on March 7. Attendance: 518,525. Brochure: On the Occasion of the Exhibition of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, text prepared by the Museé du Louvre. Washington, DC: National Gallery of ...

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